Choose one of the forms below to register or review a form you have already filled out. NOTE: In order to edit an existing form you must be logged in. Use the login form to the right or create an account if you don't already have one.

** Read and understand the BATA Passenger Handbook before scheduling rides.**


  • PLEASE read and understand the Passenger Handbook before using BATA services.
  • If your child does not have proper bus fare they will not be allowed to ride the bus.
  • BATA will cancel standing reservations after 3 consecutive "No Shows."
  • Same day fares will apply ($9) for rides not scheduled at least a day in advance.
  • POLICY: Please cancel your unwanted rides. If your child does not show up for their scheduled ride, you will still have to pay for that ride.
  • The BATA bus is a happy place for kids to feel safe at all times. Bullying and uncooperative behavior is NOT allowed.
  • All children under age 18 MUST have an emergency contact form on file at BATA before they can ride the bus. (Choose the proper form needed below.)